Posts with tag: "Professional Corporate Photos"
Wednesday, May 05, 2021
By Precious Moments Photography by Natasha Samaroo
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In a world where cellphones and cameras are easily accessible you may wonder why a professional headshot is warranted.  Sure, many cellphones have great cameras and can take decent photos but why does a "professional headshot" matter?  I recently did my own self portraits with great lighting and a handy app to connect to my camera and I will say a professional photo makes all the difference so lets break it down some reasons why.

1. Technology now more than ever is all around us.  Social media, professional profiles such as linkedin are all easily accessible for finding potential employers, employment, clients etc.  Often times this becomes our first impression, people see are profiles before they see us.  This was once known as the first impression we made at a job interview. A great headshot can leave a lasting impression.

2. It creates a sense of confidence.  A lot of the times we are hard on ourselves, how we look, our hair etc.  A professional photographer knows their equipment and how to create beautiful lighting.  Having a photo that you love builds confidence and confidence is apart of the equation for success.

3. When meeting someone have you ever wondered where have I seen you before?  Sometimes those lasting impressions are from headshots we have seen through social media, billboards, business cards, ads etc.

4.  Personality, people aren't just interested in what you sell.  What makes you better than the rest?  A good headshot can give an impression of who you are.  My previous headshot was a cropped version of my maternity photos from my 2nd child.  My recent ones show me holding my camera, this speaks wonders about me.  Indeed I am a mom and I love every part of it but holding my camera shows me and what I love to do.

5. Professionalism, an avatar can be fun, a cellphone photo can be intriguing but a professional headshot makes you look and feel more professional.  

6. Headshots are not just for the corporate world or models or actors.  Everyone needs a great headshot and hiring a professional is an investment that is sure to pay off.

Interested in finding out more?  Contact me below.


But why stop there?  What about branding?  Why not have a professional photoshoot which showcases what you do or the type of business you run.  Contact me to find out more.